

The Inspiration Behind Three Story Coffee

Our journey with coffee is one we could never have predicted. We knew we wanted to create something purposeful and intentional with this venture, but only after we dove in did we realize how big and complex the coffee world is.

Coffee is one of the most sought after commodities in the world, and one of the most beloved parts of our daily routines. Many of us see coffee at face value — it’s the bagged grounds you browse on shelves at grocery stores, the pot you habitually brew every morning. However, when we began learning where our coffee is sourced and the journey it takes to get to us, we realized the greater potential coffee holds. The potential to reveal untold stories and make an impact.

The farmers who grow our coffee have diverse, incredible backgrounds, and purchasing their coffee through a direct trade relationship has the power to transform communities and livelihoods across the globe. Our mission is to foster deeper connections through coffee by educating people about where it comes from, and how, together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who provide it.

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